Tree component is a nested recursive component. It means that a component contains children which have same structure as itself.
To see what we are saying, let's look at example below.
P.S: Note aside, it's important to understand that tree is a functional feature. It's up to you to design it your own way.
Menu Tree
MenuTree is a complex component which, as you read, lists link from its children, but, in same time, allows you to display children link of its children (are you still there ?).
A similar feature will be a nested dropdown, where one or many children has itself a nested dropdown. Still don't get it ? Check example below.
Copied !
import { Button } from "$components/button.component";
import { Icon } from "$components/icon.component";
import { MenuTree } from "$components/tree.component";
export function MenuTreeExample() {
* @type {import("$components/tree.component").TreeType}
const root = {
id: "root",
children: [
id: "tree-1",
label: "Tree 1",
parent: "root",
children: [
id: "tree-1-1",
label: "Tree 1-1",
parent: "tree-1",
href: "#"
id: "tree-1-2",
label: "Tree 1-2",
parent: "tree-1",
children: [
id: "tree-1-2-1",
label: "Tree 1-2-2",
parent: "tree-1-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-1-2-2",
label: "Tree 1-2-2",
parent: "tree-1-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-1-2-3",
label: "Tree 1-2-3",
parent: "tree-1-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-2",
label: "Tree 2",
parent: "root",
children: [
id: "tree-2-1",
label: "Tree 2-1",
parent: "tree-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-2-2",
label: "Tree 2-2",
parent: "tree-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-2-3",
label: "Tree 2-3",
parent: "tree-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-2-4",
label: "Tree 2-4",
parent: "tree-2",
href: "#"
id: "tree-3",
label: "Tree 3",
parent: "root",
href: "#"
return (
class="bg-white rounded-lg border w-full [&>button]:p-4"
<template x-if="selectedItem.parent">
<div class="relative flex items-center justify-center p-4">
class="absolute top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 left-4"
<span x-text="selectedItem.label"></span>
<nav class="divide-y-2 opacity-100">
<template x-for="menu in selectedItem.children">
<section class="hover:bg-slate-100">
class="w-full cursor-default p-4 flex items-center justify-between"
x-bind:class="{ 'cursor-pointer': menu.children }"
x-on:click="menu.children && selectItem(menu)"
<span x-text="menu.label"></span>
<template x-if="menu.children">
<Icon name="arrow-right-s-line" />
<div class="p-4" x-show="!menu.children">
<a class="text-center hover:underline" x-bind:href="menu.href">
<span x-text="menu.label"></span>